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The Group always welcomes new members.
You can join online here or download an Application Form here.
☞ Before you do so, please read our Data Privacy Policy page.
☞ Our Constitution can be viewed here.
You can email our Membership Secretary at membership@avsfhg.org.uk.
Only use a membership form if name(s) and/or your address have changed.
Otherwise find our bank details here to renew online,
or pay in cash, as traditionally, at our talks.
However, if you fail to renew by the end of March, your membership record will be “lapsed” and so removed (under our GDPR rules) — meaning that you won't receive the Newsletter, or be able to vote at the AGM, and you will have to rejoin as a new member. In short, you can only “renew” in the period October to March.
Individual Membership – £8.00 Household Membership – £13.00
+ £5.00 extra for those requesting Newsletter and/or AGM Agenda by post
If you're paying £13.00, please clarify (if online within the bank 'reference'),
whether you're joining as a household, or as an individual with the Agenda/etc by post,
or as an individual adding a (perhaps commemorative) donation.
The Treasurer doesn't have access to the membership records. Thank you.
(Incidentally, we also have a parallel, but separate, closed Facebook group, membership of which is free.)
The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December — but If you join on/after 1st October, your membership runs through to the end of the following year. In accordance with the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), when you apply to join you will be asked if you consent to a mimimal amount of your details being stored on our database to facilitate the Group's administration. Certain Committee members hold personal data relevant, and limited, to their particular role. Be sure that that information will not be shared with third parties, and that you can withdraw your consent at any time by advising the Membership Secretary (as above) in writing.
Our bank details can be found at https://avsfhg.org.uk/bank.
Acceptance or rejection of applications for membership is at the discretion of the Membership Secretary. (AVSFHG Constitution, Cl. 7.2)