Read «About us and what we do» here to appreciate the advantages of joining.  All Members receive the Newsletter.  Annual subscriptions are —

Individual (with correspondence and updates by email) £8.00
Individual: Newsletter and/or Agendas, etc POSTED ✉︎ £13.00
Household (with correspondence & updates by email) £13.00
Household: Newsletter and/or Agendas, etc POSTED ✉︎ £18.00

If you join on/after 1st October, your membership runs through to the end of the following year.  Please don't submit the form until you've initiated your payment.  Thank you!

Our bank details can be found here.  There is no need to put anything in the 'Reference' field of your payment request, as your bank will usually annotate your transfer with sufficient detail to identify your payment to us — but we will always contact you within a few days, whatever happens, and resolve any issues then.  We aren't authorised to offer a Direct Debit facility, although you might consider setting up a Standing Order for early January in future years.

If, instead, you wish to pay by cheque or cash, you'll probably find it easier NOT to apply online, but rather to download a physical form as explained below, if only for the Membership Secretary's postal address.

As for completion of this application form, the GDPR provisions are indicated below.  Also, please note that our quarterly Newsletter and AGM Agenda (etc) are sent to all Members, normally by email.

However, if you prefer either or both by post, then supply your home address, tick the relevant box(es) and include the extra  ✉︎£5.00 in your remittance (to defray our printing and P&P costs) — but do consider that email recipients of the Newsletter have the photos in colour and without ink smudges, and can enlarge anything they can't read.  Also, "by-post" Members miss out on our urgent email updates about local events, genealogy-website offers and other information.

You should certainly hear back from us within 48 hours or so.  If you don't, please email the Treasurer, in case communications have failed somewhere in the system.

If, having joined, you wish to "book for our next Zoom talk", click here, and then on the blue button there — please mention in your email to the Zoom Host that you have just paid to join as a Member.  Your membership application will follow a longer route, but this "extra" email "closes the circle", to warn the Host that a new-member confirmation is imminent.  Thank you.

If you prefer not to apply online, you can download an Application Form at the top of our «Membership» page here for printing out, completion and then return to the Membership Secretary.  Full instructions appear on the physical form.


Incidentally, we also have a parallel, but separate,
closed Facebook group, membership of which is free.


If, instead of seeing an "I'm not a robot" confirmation tick-box above, you receive a message like "Could not connect to reCAPTCHA", try turning your router (or equivalent) off and on again.  
If that doesn't fix the problem, you may need to download the latest version of your internet browser software (Android, Arc, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, iOS, Opera, Pale Moon, Safari, Vivaldi, whatever).  
Failing that, you're welcome to email the Webmaster — or, if you prefer to, download an Application Form at the top of our «Membership» page instead.


Please read our current GDPR webpage AND, by ticking the relevant box(es) on this application form, consent to the personal details you supply being stored on our database to facilitate the Group's administration.  Information will not be shared with third parties.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by advising the Membership Secretary in writing.

Be aware that photos are taken at some events (including screenshots during Zoom sessions), potentially for our website and/or Newsletter.  Please advise the photographer (or Zoom session host) if you don't wish to appear in any pictures.